Parent Handbook



Parent and Student Handbook

5942 Portal Way
Ferndale, WA 98248
Phone: (360) 318-1347

Our Mission

Under the sovereign authority of our Holy God, we purpose to obey and fulfill the divine plan that “All their children shall be taught of the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:13a)

As a non-denominational, Bible-based learning community, our mission is to partner with Christian families, and their churches to develop a Christian world-view, promote academic excellence, and prepare students for a lifetime of faithfulness to Jesus Christ.

It is our aim to nurture and equip students to have an impact on the world for Christ through participation in outreach activities locally and globally.



The following policies and procedures have been established and reviewed by Providence Christian School NW Board of Directors. The Board meets every second Thursday of each month, at 4:00 PM in the office.


Preschool                                        8:15-11:45 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Kindergarten                                  8:15-3:30 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Grades 1-6                                      8:15-3:30 (Monday -Thursday)

Middle School/ High School         8:15-3:35 (Monday- Thursday)

*Any changes in calendar dates, special announcements, or other immediate parent information will be communicated through special notices home, by email or posted on our website.

Drop Off

Parents are invited to park their vehicles in the parking lot and walk their child/children to their classroom first thing in the morning.

We suggest an arrival time of 8:00 am, so students can be prompt. Please note that classrooms will not be unlocked until 8:00 am when classroom teachers can be present.

For student safety please be aware of other students arriving and walking outside of the fenced area of the school. We ask that parents drive slowly around the camp and school campus.

Pick Up

School is dismissed at 3:30/3:35 pm. Please pick up your child no later than 3:45 pm. In the event of an emergency and you are running late, please contact our office.

In order to reduce congestion at pick up time, please follow the following pick up schedule:

K-5th please pick up at 3:30

6th-12th Please pick up at 3:35

Please follow the direction given to you by the Traffic Volunteer.

Parents will drive to the end of Portal Way, turn around, and get in line for pickup. Teachers will walk students out to the front of the campus to wait for parents.

Student will wait for Traffic Volunteer to call their name when their parent has arrived in the front of the pickup line. Please do not exit your vehicle to come and get your child. Children will be loaded by the Traffic Volunteer on the right side of the car.

If a parent would like to get his/her child from the teacher, we ask that he/she would park in the school parking lot. Please do not park across the street from the campus or block driveways, since these are private properties not belonging to the school.


Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and to attend fall/spring conferences and school functions. Teachers can easily be reached by email and while tied up with teaching responsibilities during the school day, will try to respond within 24 hours. Most teachers are available to meet after the school day.

If you need to reach a staff member or contact your child in the case of an emergency, please call the school office. Messages will be delivered to teachers and students in a timely fashion.

Teachers will provide parents with a weekly classroom newsletter of the week’s activities and upcoming events. The school office will also send out a weekly newsletter every Tuesday. It is important that you provide the school with a current email address and so that you are able to receive important communications.

Parental Involvement

There are many ways to contribute to make PCSNW a successful school for you and your children. We encourage you to use whatever gift God has blessed you with in order to help us keep costs down and become a cohesive school family. PCSNW tuition rates are calculated based on volunteer assistance.

All families are required to actively participate in some form of service for the school and meet a 30 hour/year requirement. (Preschool parents are required to volunteer for 15 hours per year.) if a family is not able to participate there will be a $15 per hour fee imposed. Please note this requirement, and fee is on a per family (not per student) basis. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure hours are recorded and submitted monthly. Volunteer hour forms are located in the office. Or submit your hours on Hubbli.

Ways to Serve our School:

Recess: Help to supervise students during recess times.

Cleaning: The bathrooms and classrooms need to be cleaned daily vacuuming and light housekeeping done once a week.

Auction/Special Events: These events require help in setting up/cleaning up, kitchen duty, decorating, organizing procurement for auction, and other duties. Please sign up in the office if you are interested in serving in this area.

Driving: Field Trips and other events when needed: This requires completing our volunteer 4A01–* driver form, submitting your driver’s license and proof of insurance to be photocopied.

Other Opportunities:

Supply needs do arise for the school or classrooms, such as: Cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, office supplies (ink for the printers and copiers, copy paper, etc.) Please pick up a few of these items while you are shopping for your own household. Other needs include art supplies and athletic equipment.

Become a Guardian of PCSNW and commit to a financial contribution as part of your tithe.
(Contact the school office for more details.)

Prayer: We encourage parents to stay and pray for the children Monday at 2 pm one hour a week when you drop off kids. A certain day each week will be set up at a later date. Please know that prayer needs to be a high priority for us.


We have a closed campus policy regarding visitations. Students interested in attending PCSNW are the only students allowed to visit the campus. Approval must be given by the Administration.

All visitors, including parents, must sign in at the office and must wear the visitor’s badge he/she is issued.


Safety of the child is an upmost concern. Fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills are practiced on a regular basis. An evacuation map is posted in each classroom. In the event of an emergency and/or early school closure, parents will be contacted at the numbers provided to the school. If there is an emergency and we are unable to leave school, blankets and water are on location.


If weather necessitates a delayed start or closing of the school, we will make every effort to contact parents. Listen to Praise 106.5 for information on school closures or check the school’s Facebook page.

Tuition Payments

Tuition payments are due the first of every month beginning in August unless you have paid in full for the year or have made other arrangements with the administration. There will be a late fee of $15.00 if tuition is received after the 10th of each month and $25 if paid after 30 days. Payments may be paid in the office or sent to our mailing address:

P 0 Box 180
Ferndale, WA 98248

If your account goes over 30 days you will be asked to keep your student home until your account is current, this will count as an unexcused absence and work cannot be made up. If you are amid a financial challenge, please reach out to the board as soon as possible. Reasonable accommodations can be made but are subject to Board review and approval. Please note: families must have their accounts brought current by the end of the school year or children may not be allowed to re-enroll or have their records released.

Our Policy

Providence Christian School NW admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all privileges, programs, and activities made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered programs.

All new students entering PCSNW are automatically placed on academic probation for the first 30 days of school.

If ANY student requires excessive attention and/or discipline, to the extent that it takes away from the staffs’ ability to adequately minister to the other students, the student may be refused permission to re-enroll the following semester, or in some cases, may be asked to withdraw from school. PCSNW seeks to utilize its resources to the best of its ability and cannot allow for excessive utilization to the detriment of other students.



A Beka Book curriculum is the core curriculum. The A Beka Book educational approach is founded on Biblical principles and the concepts of traditional education. Accordingly, teacher resources, student texts, assessments, and support materials have been designed to work together within this philosophical framework. Within this framework, the administration reserves the right to bring in additional material to supplement the core program if/as needed to enhance the learning environment.

Guidelines and school structure, health, and safety, instruction in Bible, mathematics, science, language, social studies, history, reading, writing, spelling, art, and music conform to the Washington State Guidelines for Private Schools. High School credits and electives comply with State guidelines while the content is from a Christian perspective. The school is approved by Washington State, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Physical Education

All K-12 grade students participate in a physical education program. A student may be released from participation in P.E. for two days with a written excuse by his/her parent. A student will be required to participate in P.E. and will only be excused from participation in specific activities prohibited by an injury/illness. Beyond two days, a doctor’s excuse is required. A written excuse must include a beginning and ending date. Failure to participate will result in an academic and/or disciplinary-penalty.

Report Cards and Conferences

Report Cards are issued four times during the school year. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be conducted twice a year. The purpose of these conferences is for the teacher to discuss the student’s current progress with the parent. Throughout the school year, a teacher may request a special conference with a parent to discuss academic difficulties.

Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation for either of the following reasons:

  • Grade point average below 2.0 at the semester.
  • Absenteeism over 10 days in a semester.

The Administration will meet with the student and his/her parents. At that time, the student will be issued a contract detailing the terms of continued enrollment. The terms of the academic probation contract are for one semester during which a student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to perform satisfactorily at PCSNW. If the student fails to meet the terms of the contract, the student may be refused permission to re-enroll the following semester, or in some cases, may be asked to withdraw from school during the probationary period.


Depending upon grade level, a student will have varying amounts of homework to complete. Typically, “homework” is unfinished work. Instruction is most effective when there is parental support, encouragement, and reinforcement of what is taught at school. If your child is spending excessive time on homework or-never.seoms-to-have-any, please contact your child’s teacher.

Field Trips

Throughout the year, students will be provided with a variety of opportunities for field trips. Teachers will inform parents of the field trip and cost in advance. Parents are encouraged to help chaperone and, in many cases, will be asked to help provide transportation. This is a wonderful way to participate and support student learning and all time will count towards volunteer hours. All parent chaperones must have a copy of his/her driver’s license and proof of insurance on file in the office. All classroom and school expectations are to be followed by students, staff, and parents on field trips and all off-campus activities.


According to Washington State law, and up to date immunization record must be kept on file for all students. You may file an exemption form with the school if you choose not to vaccinate. Exemption forms and updated immunization forms must be received by the school office/on or before the first day of school in order for students to attend. For the health and safety of the whole school community, any exempt student will be sent home during an outbreak of a disease for which they are not vaccinated.


According to Washington State law, no student may have any medication in their possession at school. If your child needs to take medication, including cold medicine, cough drops, aspirin, or any prescription medication, please obtain an Authorization of Oral Medication at School form from the office and have your physician sign it. All medication will be kept locked in the office. Parents may come to the school and dispense medication without the above-mentioned form.


Students are to pack a lunch each day. Microwaves are available in all classrooms. Please send your child with a water bottle.

Note: In order to reduce costs, we will be limiting our garbage pick-up. Students will be required to bring home any leftovers and waste from his/her lunch. This will also allow parents to see what food items are being consumed each day by their child. We also no longer have a water bottle service donated to the school. Please send your child with a full water bottle. If you are interested in donating the cost of bottled water service, please contact the office.


Chapel occurs every Thursday and is an excellent opportunity for our students to gather as a community to worship and pray. Guest speakers are invited to share testimonies and inspirational messages to further encourage our students in their faith. Parents are welcome to attend chapel. Please check into the office prior to visiting.

Code of Conduct


The instructional program designed by PCSNW is a progressive and sequential experience. It is generally impossible for that experience to be “made up.” For this reason, absences are greatly discouraged.

Absences Per Semester
5 days – Notification letter sent home
7 days -Parent Contact
10 days – Parent/Student Conference

When a student misses more than 20 school days during the year, the student’s ability to return for the following semester or the student’s promotion will be reviewed by the administration. Promotion will be in jeopardy.

In cases of prolonged illnesses, the family may wish to appeal to the Administration for an exception.

Planned Absence

If circumstances require a student to be.absent, parents must make arrangements five days before the absence by located at the school office. It is the responsibility of the parent and/or student to contact the office and teacher to secure all class assignments and classwork content. The assignments missed during the absence are due according to the agreement between the parent, student, and teacher. Any work turned in beyond the agreed-upon date or teacher arranged due date will not be accepted for credit. A pre-arranged absence may incur a grade penalty due to the loss of instructional time and may cause your student to be unprepared for the demands of the class once they return.

Returning After an Absence

If your child has missed school for any reason such as illness be sure to bring a note signed by a parent or guardian to the office with the date(s) of absence and the reason for the absence. A physician’s note may be necessary with some communicable diseases.

Partial Day Absence

A parent must come to the office and sign-out the student. Please let us know in advance so we can have your child ready for you in the office when you arrive.


Tardiness interrupts the instructional program and is greatly discouraged. A student who shows a pattern of tardiness faces academic penalties, as well as the possibility of withdrawal from school. The goal of the tardy policy is to teach promptness, preparation, and good work habits. We understand that there are occasional difficulties resulting in tardiness therefore please let the office and teacher know when you face difficulty in an on-time arrival to school. Five tardies in one-semester count as one unexcused absence. The teacher will be keeping track of the reason that the student was late. A meeting with the parent will be scheduled after 8 tardies in one quarter.

Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy and children arriving after 8:30 a.m must sign in at the office.

Sign In/Sign Out

For student safety, we have put the following policy into place:

Parents/guardians who visit campus, during school hours, for volunteering, picking up student, or dropping off items, must check into the office first.

Anyone, including parents, who are coming onto the campus, we ask that you please sign in, and if you are staying, wear a lanyard that represents if you are a visitor or volunteer.

If a student is leaving the campus early due to illness, or an appointment, the parent must come to the office, and sign student out. The office will contact the teacher and have the student sent to the parent in the office.


While this handbook is designed to provide clarity for all involved, the administration reserves the right to discipline every case based on its unique and specific nature. PCSNW also reserves the right at any time to dismiss a student who is out of harmony with the school goals and mission. The goal of the discipline process at PCSNW is to provide and maintain an environment which is conducive to excellence in education.

Disciplinary Goals                                                                   

We strive to:

Establish clear and consistent Biblical and educational standards of conduct which every student is expected to follow.

Make sure that the student understands why the specific behavior was wrong and the alternatives open to them in making a right choice.

Apply God’s Word to the solution of the offense; pray with and for the student.
Apply consistent discipline and reasonable consequences to the offense.

Guide students in righting the wrong through responsibility, repentance, restitution, reconciliation, and restoration.

Disciplinary Action

The types of disciplinary action generally taken at Providence Christian School are: Counseling by the school staff

Loss of privileges or responsibilities

Parent contact/conference

Out of school suspension


On or off Campus Behavior

All students are expected to work toward a Biblical approach to life both on and off-campus.

The primary responsibility for monitoring and encouraging moral behavior, which is consistent with the scriptural directives, is the home and the church. The school is committed to supporting the home and the church in this area. The school does this by teaching in the classrooms, by encouraging wholesome relationships in the school community, and by insisting on standards of behavior which are consistent with the will of God as revealed in the Bible. If off-campus behavior negatively affects the school community and/or its reputation and it is called to the attention of the school personnel, the administration will initiate appropriate actions.


Any objects which are irrelevant to education or are a distraction (i.e., toys, lighters, matches, fireworks, pocket knives, skateboards, games, collectible cards, electronic or electrical equipment, laser pointers, etc.) are not allowed on campus or at school activities. These items will be taken away, a parent must pick the item up in the office and disciplinary action may occur. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged personal equipment or objects brought to school.

All damages, accidental or not, to school property, shall be acknowledged by the student and family. The family will work with the administration on a plan to reimburse the school. Damages shall include, but not be limited to marking on desks, broken windows, and other school property.

Hands Off

Students are to follow a “hands-off” policy. Any fighting, rough horse-play or harassing another student before, during, or after school will result in disciplinary action.

Animals on Campus

For the health and safety of our students, pets are not allowed on campus. A teacher or administrator must grant permission before an animal can be brought onto campus for educational purposes.

Bullying/Harassment/Threats on Campus

God’s Word gives us specific guidelines on how we should treat each other. In Luke 6:31, Jesus says. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” In John 5:12, Jesus says, “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” When we treat people in a way that hurts them, we fall short of God’s standard, in other words, we sin. If a student feels they have been bullied, it is important that they speak to the administrator or their teacher immediately.

Oftentimes, by the time the administrator or teacher hears about a situation, the situation has already gotten out of hand. If the student does not feel comfortable in sharing their concern directly with the other student(s), then a teacher and/or administrator can assist in that process. At PCSNW, we want to train and equip students to respond Biblically. In terms of consequence, each situation is assessed and responded to. The appropriate response would be determined in line with the offense and could be in a warning, suspension or something in between.

Regarding inappropriate communications on campus, including, but not limited to, ethnic, religious, sexual, or racial comments directed at another student or students, staff or, administration; threats; or other bullying, the plan of action is the following:

When an incident appears on campus and comes to our attention, we will:

Determine the seriousness of the situation by interviewing key players and contacting parents. Administration will determine the “need to know” for parents not directly involved and will communicate as determined.

Determine if the threat is transient (words with no plan or premeditation) or substantive (real with premeditation and a plan for carrying it out).

If transient, we will do mediation between offenders, work toward repentance, reconciliation, and restoration. In-house discipline will be meted out as necessary if students are not willing to move toward restoration.

If it is deemed to be substantive, we will contact the police and report it as such, and they will then deal with it. Students involved will be required to stay home with schoolwork given until the police investigate and make a ruling. Discipline could range from short- to long-term suspension or expulsion, depending upon the police report.

Dress Code

Providence Christian School NW desires to create an educational atmosphere that maximizes learning. Our dress code is a very gracious “clean, neat, and modest.” We are actively encouraging students to take responsibility for their attire and to make it less of a judgment call by steering clear of any gray areas. The School Board is the final authority on the dress code policy.

The Dress Code remains in force while all students are on campus during the school day, on a field trip, participating in student outings or in athletic activities. Please pay particular attention to the area which applies to your student(s). Students are expected to dress modestly at all school related events.

Realizing that our manner of dress communicates something about our values, affects our Christian witness, and influences our attitude toward schoolwork, we expect the clothing worn to school and school functions to be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate. Examples of inappropriate school wear include clothing with suggestive pictures, words, patches, symbols, musical groups with an offensive message or symbols; references or promotion of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or drugs, “tights”, spandex, or excessively tight clothing of any kind. For girls, this code includes excessively short skirts, spaghetti straps, low-cut and short tops. Tops that show midriff at any time are considered too short. Tank tops are not allowed for girls. Sleeveless shirts will be allowed. Shorts are allowed, though they and skirts must be of modest length (mid-thigh).

Because of changing trends, all styles of dress, jewelry, and grooming are subject to approval by the Administration. If in doubt about a particular type of clothing, grooming, or jewelry style, call the school for clarification.

We understand that trends are constantly changing. We ask that students dress modestly and their appearance is not a distraction to others.

Student Relationships

All students need to form relationships which are pleasing to the Lord. An important part of the maturing process is the development of wholesome God-glorifying relationships that are appropriate to the age of the student. Any display of affection (e.g. handholding, kissing, etc.) deemed inappropriate by the school will result in disciplinary action.

Electronic Device Policies and Expectations

The school will NOT be responsible for lost or damaged devices.

Personal electronic devices are not to be used on campus by students. Students who need to communicate with parents during the school day may do so by using the office phone.

When coming to campus, students will be responsible to go immediately to their teacher in order to deposit the electronic device in a designated spot. All devices will be powered off when turned in. There may be in certain circumstances teachers may allow students to use their phones for educational purposes.

No texting, phone calls, social media, recording, picture taking, or any other communication using cell phones, watches, or other electronic devices are allowed on campus.

In order to keep our school atmosphere safe, it will be cause for serious discipline for students caught on campus or using any social media, texting, posting expressly to harass, bully, or threaten students, faculty or staff. The parents will be called, and law enforcement may be contacted to deal with this situation, and, upon their findings, discipline will follow.

Students’ use of social media should reflect a Godly testimony of the student, students reflect their personal character and the reputation of their family and school. Students will be held accountable for any negative (or inappropriate) postings, pictures, or videos that come to the school’s attention. Parents will be contacted and will need to work with the administration to resolve the issue. Consequences will be aligned with the school’s policies and can include expulsion for egregious infractions.

Students having communicated inappropriate content to other students via any and all media, including but not limited to, sexual content (explicit or implicit), terrorism, weaponry, or comments, videos, or pictures of such will be immediately referred to police and parents will be contacted. We highly suggest that parents take an active role in monitoring their student’s electronic activity.

Computer Use at Providence Christian School NW

The student is responsible for staying on teacher-directed sites to do the research and work that has been assigned. Teachers are required to supervise online work closely. Parents can opt their children out of using school technology, and students can use the library or other sources of resource information for assignments. Students that are found using or perusing inappropriate sites (as outlined to students and parents) will not be allowed to use the in-school technology for the remainder of the semester. Computers and other items of technology are to be used for educational purposes only.

Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco

Any student in possession, involved in using, or contributing to the use of unprescribed drugs, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes at school or any school function in which PCSNW is involved shall be subject to school discipline. When this policy has been violated, the student will be suspended from school and participation in school activities. The student is required to participate in a professional evaluation, as approved by the school, for drugs and alcohol at the expense of the student. The student and his parents may meet with the administration or School Board to request the student be reinstated at PCSNW.


Weapons of any kind (guns, switchblades, hunting knives, mace, etc.) are not allowed on campus. The minimum response will be a discipline notice. If weapons are used for harassment and intimidation, it will result in immediate suspension, which may lead to an expulsion, and 1½ inches) are not welcome at school and will be confiscated.

Handbook Agreement

Students and Parents are required to sign a Parent-Student Handbook Agreement Form at the beginning of the school year. Any student who exhibits a disrespectful attitude or defiance of authority will be subject to disciplinary action. In the case of a parent’s failure to support the staff, teachers, and administration in the enforcement of any behavior, it can result in the removal of the student from school.

** Handbook Updates and Changes: This handbook has been prayerfully updated and revised by the PCSNW School Board. No changes, additions, or modifications can be made without the School Board’s Approval. Any suggested/proposed changes must be made in writing to the board. The intent is for the handbook to be a working document with annual updates if/as needed.