

Volunteer Opportunities

To keep our school running the way it does, we require that parents volunteer in order to help us function. This is a service unto the Lord, an investment in the legacy of our precious children, and of course a fulfillment of your commitment. There are many areas to serve.

Areas to Serve

Here is a list of places and activities that you can help us with (there are more areas that will come up in the weekly newsletter)!
Kitchen help for event
One-time projects that can be done at home

Repeating or on-going projects both at school and at home

Spring Auction
On-campus help both Periodic and Regular

Equipment Repairs
Regularly scheduled recess duty

Teacher Helper

Field Trip Driver
Christmas Program

Providence Christian School NW

Providence Christian School NW does not engage in a policy of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability, age, handicap, national origin, or religion.

Contact Us: (360) 318-1347 | office@pcsnw.org

Providence Christian School NW, 5950 Portal Way, Ferndale, WA, 98248